Health is very important for every one because we all know health is wealth. So it is necessary for routine checkups and treatment. As routine checkup are beneficial. So now European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is available. Those having this card they can do health care in Switzerland and all European areas for health care and checkups.EHIC card is legitimate for 5 years if it is expired then it cannot be used again so it is necessary to check the validity of card and avoid expiring of card. EHIC card is for a individual member and if person need this card for their family then they must make card of every individual in family. EHIC can only be used to cover at state-provided healthcare that is government institutions and does not stand-in for private travel insurance. It is not used for any bills of private healthcare institutions, monetary loss and theft, or unexpected expenses, among other things.
As it is just usable for Government centers. EHIC card can only be utilized during normal travel for medical travelers. And there are so many insurance companies which offer some reduction in claims if you are using this EHIC then it will reduce your claim amount. If you are planning a trip then you must check the validity of card. This card will provides many benefits in government sector.